I swear I'm still trying!!

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Steve!

Man, he's getting old! 29 today...Ooh...that means you'll be 30 next year!

Oh wait...so will I...and before you will. Hmmm...

Well, in any case, enjoy the last year in your twenties! I sure will!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Here we go again...sort of...

Well, as many of you family-types know, I work part-time for Walmart on the overnight shift doing stocking. Now, some of that title has changed...I'm no longer a stocker and no longer part-time. Yeah...you heard me. I'm back up to 40 hours a week. But this time around, my managers are letting me do 4-10's (4 days, 10 hours). And I have a new job...a small promotion if you will. I am now a "Backroom Inventory Associate" complete with a .20 cent/hour raise. (It entails pulling and scanning overstock out of the backroom to go to the floor and re-binning/scanning new overstock freight...did that make sense?)

I really like my new job and am very fast at it...although I need to be careful...I'm getting kinda arrogant over how good am I at it. In fact, many of my co-workers that know I love Dragonball have now 'lovingly' dubbed my new name to be Ms. Vegeta. Not even kidding. They say I act alot like the so named character, which really isn't a bad thing. (Hmm...strong willed, confident, good strategy-forming, independant, physically strong...what's the downside here? Oh yeah, the angry-arrogant-pride thing.) Maybe I should get my name tag changed...

So this should be interesting...

The positives are that John can now be added back onto my insurance thru work (yeah, only me and the kids available for part-timers), I'll be earning sick-time, short-term and long-term disability coverage again, and a bigger paycheck to stock away/clear out credit cards/landscape the back yard.

The negative is that I will be losing a lot of sleep. Maybe. Since John works M-F and I'll be working Th-Su, I'll be awake from 7ish Thursday morning until 9ish Saturday morning, with 2-2 hour naps. Yikes...We've already conned my dad (being retired and all...) into coming over Friday mornings and watching the kids until it's time to take Ivy to school at noon. That will help immensely, even though Mondays will forever be my 24 hour days...at least I'm actually used to it.

So if anyone ever drops by my store in the middle of the night hoping to find me...odds are you won't. I almost never leave the back and that's only to deliver freight or go outside for breaks. So call ahead and we'll get a cup of burnt and bitter coffee on my next break...cuz God knows I'll need the caffeine!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New City - New Zip

No, we didn't move again. But apparently, I have a new city name and zip code to boot. We used to be...

Queen Creek, Arizona 85204

We now live in...

San Tan Valley, Arizona 85104

So update all those address books...obviously the street address didn't change. If you need that part, leave me a comment for it, with your email. I ain't dumb enough to put it out on my blog! =P

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

10 Things I love about Arizona

Well, thought of a cute idea for a tag, mainly because I wanted to know what everybody loves about the state they reside in! So Here we go!

10 Things I Love About Arizona

1. The vast wide open spaces of wilderness for backpacking, camping, canoeing, etc.

2. No snow shoveling!

3. The biodiversity...Pines to scrubby desert to sane dunes to caves!

4. Cheap houses! Well, at least for now...

5. Our beautiful pastel sunsets.

6. I can grow sunflowers in January.

7. Our "Wild West" history. Wyatt Earp, anyone?

8. Monsoon thunderstorms!

9. The vast array of poisonous critters...scorpions, black windows, rattlesnakes, Gila monsters, brown recluses... Can't ya just feel the sarcasm?

10. Cleaner air than LA or New York! hehe

Now I tag...everybody! Yes, even you John! I'm curious to see what makes everyone's homes great places to live, so shoo! You're tagged so go do it! No tag backs!